Basic Group Policy on Eradicating Anti-social Forces

Sony Bank shall implement the initiatives to eradicate anti-social forces in accordance with the following Sony Financial Group's "Basic Group Policy on Eradicating Anti-social Forces".

Sony Financial Group "Basic Group Policy on Eradicating Anti-social Forces"

The Sony Financial Group recognizes the importance of strictly avoiding any association with anti-social elements from the perspectives of social responsibility, compliance and corporate defense. Accordingly, the Group has formulated this basic policy to enforce its initiatives to shut out anti-social forces.

1. Organizational response

Rather than at the individual or departmental level, the Group responds to anti-social forces at an all-organizational level, from top management downward, and ensures the safety for all executives and employees who respond.

2. Cooperation with external organizations

To obtain appropriate counsel and cooperation, the Group collaborates closely on an ongoing basis with outside specialists, including the police, centers for the elimination of violent groups and attorneys.

3. Refusal of all relationships, including transactions

The Group refuses to have any relationships with anti-social forces, including transactional relationships.

4. Civil and criminal legal approaches to emergency situations

The Group strictly rejects unfounded demands by anti-social forces. Furthermore, the Group takes both civil and criminal legal approaches, as necessary.

5. Prohibition on backroom deals and provision of funds

The Group conducts absolutely no backroom deals with nor provides funds to anti-social forces.